Emily Fisher – Family & Community Health





Emily Fisher, Limestone County, FCH Agent

Family and Community Health (FCH) is part of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.  AgriLife Extension offers practical information for families: raising children, housing and environment, eating well, managing money, and staying healthy.

The FCH program in Limestone County addresses nutrition and wellness issues through presentations, classes, brochures, handouts, website education, hands-on activities, and one-on-one contact.

Better Living For Texans

A special nutrition program, Better Living for Texans (BLT) focuses on general nutrition, food safety, stretching food dollars, and increasing overall health through proper dietary and physical activity components.  For more information on BLT programs, see our BLT page.


If you would like more information on FCH and BLT programming, please contact Emily Fisher by email at emily.fisher@ag.tamu.edu or by phone, (254) 729-5314.

To receive a copy of the monthly FCH Newsletter, Limestone Living, please email your request to emily.fisher@ag.tamu.edu


Looking for some healthy recipes?  Check out these selected recipes.



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